
I've made it from plants growing in garden and honestly I've done alot of different drugs but this is by far the most violent I choose to make it just like dabs and smoke only the resin I will say if ur not prepared to leave your consciousness and loosing control is scary I would suggest it I also think you need a build up wat I mean is don't let someone who has 0 experience with psychedelics as I said it can be incredibly scary also as we all know set and setting make the biggest difference in any psychedelics. I will say that it's the best way to literally become 1 with the earth as u become inanimate objects like a grassy hill or 1 of mine was I was part of a thicket of prickers funnyly when I snapped our of the trip I was on a grassy hill with no pickers lol anywhere, it's 1 of my favorite plants and if you dig into literature on it almost everyone that has a full break through as its called all meet a similar entitie so it's very interesting overall.