Rooting a Salvia Divinorum cutting?

Stuff has happened and I thought I'd make another little update. Both pots are down to their last cuttings, both of which are doing reasonably well. I also threw in some datura and basil seeds that I had lying around. So far only some basils have sprouted. Fortunately.

It's that time of the year again when poor bastards like these two (and the five sickly basils) only get some 6 hours of very weak overcast 'sunlight' at best, so I won't blame them for not looking too good.




Shout out to anyone still following :toke:
Stuff has happened and I thought I'd make another little update. Both pots are down to their last cuttings, both of which are doing reasonably well. I also threw in some datura and basil seeds that I had lying around. So far only some basils have sprouted. Fortunately.

It's that time of the year again when poor bastards like these two (and the five sickly basils) only get some 6 hours of very weak overcast 'sunlight' at best, so I won't blame them for not looking too good.

Well done, I have known some people who have tried to grow Salvia with very limited success, I hope Lady Salvia has been treating you right, and you her. One of the most profound psychedelic experiences I have had was on 5x extract, to this day 8 years later it still effects me. Have you met the masculine aspect of Salvia, when they are both together words cannot describe it.
Please be careful with that Dartura, the only safe way to ingest that I am aware of is as a small ad mix to ayahuasca. Be safe my friend. Happy voyages!
Well done, I have known some people who have tried to grow Salvia with very limited success, I hope Lady Salvia has been treating you right, and you her. One of the most profound psychedelic experiences I have had was on 5x extract, to this day 8 years later it still effects me. Have you met the masculine aspect of Salvia, when they are both together words cannot describe it.
Please be careful with that Dartura, the only safe way to ingest that I am aware of is as a small ad mix to ayahuasca. Be safe my friend. Happy voyages!

Thanks! Sounds like I still have a lot left to experience with salvia. I haven't tried messing around with her a lot lately. Friend is getting a huge bong soon which might change things. It's tricky to smoke sally from a pipe.

As for the datura, I'm mainly interested in the scent of its flowers and the plant's effects on sleep on modest doses. If and when I get to make some ayahuasca I might think about adding such a dose in the name of science, but we'll see.
Many years ago, my friends would pick some Datura blooms(one per person should do) from nearby garden and add some water in a saucepan and simmer for 30 minutes. Then make coffee from water. Tastes OK and wait an hour.
Many years ago, my friends would pick some Datura blooms(one per person should do) from nearby garden and add some water in a saucepan and simmer for 30 minutes. Then make coffee from water. Tastes OK and wait an hour.

Careful exploration of the plant's deliriant effects could be interesting as well, but based on what I've heard I'd probably need to wear a straightjacket for every occasion. :lol:
Thanks! Sounds like I still have a lot left to experience with salvia. I haven't tried messing around with her a lot lately. Friend is getting a huge bong soon which might change things. It's tricky to smoke sally from a pipe.

I will try and put into words what my "breakthrough" experience was like.
Setting: Best friends house with my brother present as well.
Dosage: 3 small tokes off a glass pipe followed by a lungbuster of a hit of homemade 5x, may have been stronger but that was our guess.
The "trip": *note I hesitate to call it a trip as in the context of LSD or Mushrooms more of an dimensional relocation or shift closer to a DMT experience but not directly comparable .* Anyhoo... After taking the final toke from the pipe it felt as though my astral body was removed from my physical body and then "folded" like some 4th dimensional origami until I was a singularity. As soon as I became aware of my nothingness I was standing in a river in some sort of "jungle" or "rain-forest". The river was wide yet shallow but simultaneously very powerful, not in terms of it's current but a spiritual power. As I looked around I saw that the banks of the river were lined with what I took to be Greco-roman-esqe columns made out of what looked like brilliant white marble, they were topped with rectangular stones of the same material. As I moved up stream(I cant recall actually walking) I became aware of the presence of a great many "entities" behind the columns on both sides of the river. I could never see their faces, not sure they had any but I could feel that I was being judged. I moved upstream continuing to be observed and judged for what felt like an eternity, then as if a switch had been flipped I felt that these entities had accepted me and they slowly faded from my view. I continued on up stream for a while until I could see something up ahead. It at that point looked to me like the base of a great waterfall. As I got closer I could see there was indeed a waterfall of titanic proportions, flanked on either side by two mountain tops or so I thought. Although made of rock those mountain tops were living breathing "people" The left side was a masculine being(for a visual reference think Poseidon) with long, slightly curly hair. He had a very rugged and angular face and appeared to be dressed in a robe or toga like garment. The feminine entity was on the right side of the waterfall she was similarly dressed, similar curly hair but a very soft and curvy facial features. As I looked at these beings I began to realize that their hair and clothes were some how the foundation on which the world I was in was formed out of, as we gazed at each other there was that same feeling of acceptance. I could tell that they had some knowledge or wisdom to impart on me before I left but as soon as I had that thought I began to descend back into my physical self, and before I knew it I was back in my friends apartment. Even now as I re-read this I can't escape the knowledge that there was so much more to it but it exists in me only as some strange juxtaposition of memory and emotion, I know I need to go back to finish what was started I just have not found myself in the right time or place to continue my journey. I will go back but these things can't be forced or rushed. It feels good to put this down into words, maybe my time to go back is getting closer.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this, as well I hope you can find a connection similar to this(it will be different for us all).
I have no real idea what all this means but I hope to someday figure it out... There is something truly profound in this plant, she , they, it is a true ally of humanity.
Grow well, be happy.
I will try and put into words what my "breakthrough" experience was like.

Nice write-up, thanks! There are clearly some similarities between our breakthroughs. I found myself in a place that resembled an aged hunting cabin. The place felt familiar to me and it was filled with people who did too. It's as if I got briefly transferred into another dimension where a sort of analog to my actual trip location existed; I was tripping with a friend in a newly built cabin. It was also clearly winter in the salvia dimension, whereas it was a cool summer night in real world. Pretty much everything was exactly the same but vastly different if not completely the opposite.

I was perfectly content and everything felt right in that place. I didn't even notice anything was off before my friend apparently got freaked out by my manic laughter and asked me if I was okay. The immersion broke and while kind of the majority of me wanted to stay where I was, there was a 'rational' part of me that knew I could never stay. I gradually began struggling to climb through a window of sorts in some very twisted orientations. As more and more of my body made it through the tiny window I began to feel like everything, my clothes and even the air that my skin was in contact with started to feel like razors pressing against me from every side, so sharp and perfectly aligned that I couldn't even feel any pain. I was awake but not in control from that point on. I couldn't stop laughing like an insane person and I couldn't move in any other way than one that would help me clear the window.
I too feel like it was all a part of something I have to continue one day.

I like the idea that salvinorin A only exists so the humans would take care of this plant.

This was from ~0.3g of plain dried leaf, BTW. I have no idea how that's even possible. :pass: