Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri


Cultivators Club
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
Here we go my friends! I am trying out a single seed of the following autos beside photo plants in the full sun garden this outdoor season. One seed of each was put in paper towel last night and this morning there was a split seed and a nice 1/8" tail o the Colorado Cookies is first to be planted. Tonight(24hrs) the Daiquiri has an 1/8" tail so she is also in the ground. Shell is just splitting on the Sunrise so she will be in the dirt in the morning hopefully with the autoultimate.
Starting medium is Promix HP, and nutes used will be Advanced nutrients via Tangs Schedule. These plants are in 2 gallon botanicare hercules pots(3plants) and the last plant in in one of my homemade 3gallon airpots. I will be planting these pots directly in the ground between june the 1st and june the 15th depending on weather. Plants will have around 3'X3'X16"deep holes for roots to expand. Surrounding soil will have some lime and a couple of shovels of well rotted horse manure for micronutrient addition. Advanced nutes will fuel flower.
Starting next week the 4 plants will spend daytime outside on suitable days, and under three 100X3w leds(2 galaxy one mars) at night.
Hopefully this will turn into an epic grow, but know I have had struggles with cool weather autos before and had diminished yields!
Here we go my friends! I am trying out a single seed of the following autos beside photo plants in the full sun garden this outdoor season. One seed of each was put in paper towel last night and this morning there was a split seed and a nice 1/8" tail o the Colorado Cookies is first to be planted. Tonight(24hrs) the Daiquiri has an 1/8" tail so she is also in the ground. Shell is just splitting on the Sunrise so she will be in the dirt in the morning hopefully with the autoultimate.
Starting medium is Promix HP, and nutes used will be Advanced nutrients via Tangs Schedule. These plants are in 2 gallon botanicare hercules pots(3plants) and the last plant in in one of my homemade 3gallon airpots. I will be planting these pots directly in the ground between june the 1st and june the 15th depending on weather. Plants will have around 3'X3'X16"deep holes for roots to expand. Surrounding soil will have some lime and a couple of shovels of well rotted horse manure for micronutrient addition. Advanced nutes will fuel flower.
Starting next week the 4 plants will spend daytime outside on suitable days, and under three 100X3w leds(2 galaxy one mars) at night.
Hopefully this will turn into an epic grow, but know I have had struggles with cool weather autos before and had diminished yields!
I've been waiting all winter for this! Here we go subbed in man for sure!
Always a pleasure tagging along on your grows man! I feel like a jerk I haven't PMd u yet, been crazy hectic.....

NO worries at all bud. Busy, busy!! Ive been working like crazy, prepping veggies and animals for summer(most folks don't get the amount of dedication it takes to grow most of your meat, fruit and veggies). Lots to do for sure, like yourself I bet!!
I am really stoked to see you doing these outdoors and I can't wait to see how they turn out, because I am going to be doing something similar here in a couple of months, sending supper grow vibes and karma!!
NO worries at all bud. Busy, busy!! Ive been working like crazy, prepping veggies and animals for summer(most folks don't get the amount of dedication it takes to grow most of your meat, fruit and veggies). Lots to do for sure, like yourself I bet!!
Yeah wife got a new job and there's big schedule changes going on and job changes, plus a bunch of stuff everyone doesn't want to hear about lol just trucking ahead add hard as possible
I am really stoked to see you doing these outdoors and I can't wait to see how they turn out, because I am going to be doing something similar here in a couple of months, sending supper grow vibes and karma!!

Awesome man!! Great you could join! Thanks for the vibes buddy!

Yeah wife got a new job and there's big schedule changes going on and job changes, plus a bunch of stuff everyone doesn't want to hear about lol just trucking ahead add hard as possible

Hey my friend...try not to get too tied up in the rat race! Its not easy I know! Just remember you have weed to take you back to a proper state of existence!! :D

Brooklyn Sunrise and its huge seed had a 3/8" tail this morning, and she is in the dirt! Autoultimate is the last to split shell, but it has happened just this morning! She'll be in the dirt once I see an 1/8" or bigger tail. Expect last this afternoon or evening.
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I wish u the best of grow... let the weather-gods be with you.... or maybe you live in a warmer country with stable weather all summer season... and what a good choice of strains! :karmacloud: