Not Much Activity in Here


Experienced Grower
Cultivators Club
Mar 18, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Gorilla Bomb, TnT Trichome & Swiss Skunk
Just saw that this sub-forum was created, though am a little disappointed that there hasn't been much activity in here yet. Maybe because it's so new.

Anyways, last year I decided to give DIY magic mushrooms a shot, because why not? I've never done mushrooms before (still haven't!), plus the potential medical benefits intrigued me.

It was a small experiment into DIY magic mushrooms, but due to the low cost outlay, I figured it was worth it.

I began by researching various methodologies online, and finally settled on the PF TEK that required no pressure cooker. I had some of the supplies already laying around the house, and two spare pint-sized canning jars which I could use. All-in-all, my initial cost to get started was $34.78 (see below).

Pot, Lid$0.00Own
Shoeboxes (2)$1.98Target
Spore Syringe$19.85Online
Brown Rice Flour$5.99Menards
Coco Coir Bricks$2.97Ace Hardware
Canning Jars$0.00Own

The spore syringe I bought was discounted as the exact species I received was up to the website. Since I'd never done 'shrooms before, I wasn't too picky. I ended up receiving PF Classic.

In the end, my first grow resulted in two flushes for a total of 13 g of dried mushrooms. A little disappointing to be sure, but also not too bad considering it was a) my first grow, and b) based on only two pint jars of cultured medium. With one syringe, you should be able to inoculate many more jars.

Anyways, I plan to do another grow later this year or early next year, and will inoculate many more jars. In the meantime, my dried mushrooms are still sitting in my closet in an airtight container with some dessicant to keep them nice and dry. I plan to try them (about 3 g first try) sometime in the next two weeks.
Just saw that this sub-forum was created, though am a little disappointed that there hasn't been much activity in here yet. Maybe because it's so new.

Anyways, last year I decided to give DIY magic mushrooms a shot, because why not? I've never done mushrooms before (still haven't!), plus the potential medical benefits intrigued me.

It was a small experiment into DIY magic mushrooms, but due to the low cost outlay, I figured it was worth it.

I began by researching various methodologies online, and finally settled on the PF TEK that required no pressure cooker. I had some of the supplies already laying around the house, and two spare pint-sized canning jars which I could use. All-in-all, my initial cost to get started was $34.78 (see below).

Pot, Lid$0.00Own
Shoeboxes (2)$1.98Target
Spore Syringe$19.85Online
Brown Rice Flour$5.99Menards
Coco Coir Bricks$2.97Ace Hardware
Canning Jars$0.00Own
The spore syringe I bought was discounted as the exact species I received was up to the website. Since I'd never done 'shrooms before, I wasn't too picky. I ended up receiving PF Classic.

In the end, my first grow resulted in two flushes for a total of 13 g of dried mushrooms. A little disappointing to be sure, but also not too bad considering it was a) my first grow, and b) based on only two pint jars of cultured medium. With one syringe, you should be able to inoculate many more jars.

Anyways, I plan to do another grow later this year or early next year, and will inoculate many more jars. In the meantime, my dried mushrooms are still sitting in my closet in an airtight container with some dessicant to keep them nice and dry. I plan to try them (about 3 g first try) sometime in the next two weeks.
Make sure you are in a good mood with no stressors in a secure happy place and have a sober "Guide" to assist you if needed. If you have not done hallucinogenics before it can be overwhelming at first. Music and cartoons can be especially enjoyable. Just remember it is the drugs and all will be fine. You may experience some stomach discomfort at first don't worry it goes away fast. Have fun!
Make sure you are in a good mood with no stressors in a secure happy place and have a sober "Guide" to assist you if needed. If you have not done hallucinogenics before it can be overwhelming at first. Music and cartoons can be especially enjoyable. Just remember it is the drugs and all will be fine. You may experience some stomach discomfort at first don't worry it goes away fast. Have fun!

Thanks, I'll be sure to do so.

And once I get around to gathering up some more supplies to make my next batch, I'll be sure to post a grow journal here as well.
I've never done mushrooms before (still haven't!), plus the potential medical benefits intrigued me. ..... I plan to try them (about 3 g first try)

Hi Randar.

Hope you don't mind a bit of a Psychedelic Travel Guide:

First time take a giggle dose. You might not be able to spell "silly" but you will surely know what it means. :lol: Wait at least a week and then try your 3 grams.
Stay inside the first few times, at least until you get a feel for how "twisty" things can seem. That said, the great outdoors can be an !amazing! experience, make sure someone's sober to guide if its going to be a medium or strong dose.
You will probably experience heightened senses, and your environment can seem brighter or louder so the dimmer switch and volume button are your friends.
Have beverages already prepared so you don't have to fumble around. NO BOOZE!

Oh yeah-Trippers First Aid Kit: B-Complex tablet and some Cookies. If things get a bit frightening, these can help bring things down a bit. If you have something relaxing like Valerian Root, throw a cap of that in there too. And remember, its just the shrooms.

I have never grown them myself. I toyed with the idea but honestly, for what I am doing, they are cheap. 1/2 ounce of shrooms gives me over a year's worth of micro-doses for way less than a small basic kit, and I don't know if I will continue long term.
Hi Randar,

I have a few trips over the years. I tried to grow once some Psychedelic , Subragnosa , Australian shrooms, but i think i let it dry out or too much water. I am lucky to be near a park that has cattle in it , and have 2 jars of Cubensis mushrooms , they are very prolific around here in Summer. I like a quite spot like my room and listen to music. I started in 0.98gram for my first dose. I tried micro dosing, but need to research that more, as i have enough supply. That said Subs are less common here, would like to try to grow them again, and spread them down the back, they love leave mulch wood etc