Is this C.S.??


Dr.Frankenweed M.U.
Jul 29, 2012
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We are shopping at a organics health food store today and my wife found this. Is this the same as the C.S. that alot of people make?
View attachment 185466
I was kind of overwhelmed in that place. I didn't think to look at the concentration values.
From what I read store bought C.S usually doesn't work
some internet for the product....find the content

Silver Biotics Colloidal Silver
96.8% Bioavailability 10 ppm Silver
Ingredients: Purified Silver - 50 mcg per teaspoon

Peaceful Mountain Ionic Colloidal Silver
Elemental Silver (45 ppm)

Source Naturals Wellness Colloidal Silver
Silver 30 ppm (parts per million)


Very interesting. Two of those are above 27 ppm. I'm not ready to try any of that stuff yet. Baby steps. I'm still learning the basics of breeding. :slap:for the great info tlbwp.
good morning guys. iv done some reading on the C.S and it has to be at least 30ppm to work,
and spray 3 days before flip and then everyday for 3 weeks or until your plant herm's
when buying from stores always read the lables , then read them again , check the fine print , it might say in big bold letters on the front that its PURE , but it actually might not be , most store bought c.s has added proteins and stabalizers which coat the particles rendering them useless for reversing plants as well as useless for any health bennefits

it has been documented on this site as well as many others that the TM brand c.s works and it is only 20 ppm , also , i myself had some made for me before i started making my own and when she makes it with her professionally built generator it consistantly makes a 10 ppm solution given an 8 hour run , she went to 12 hrs for me , neither herself or i ever measured the ppm but id almost guarantee it was under 20 ppm and it worked fine

i would however recomend 30+ ppm

and you are NOT making a herm ! you are sexually REVERSING a plant to create a full male who passes on only female chromosomes

peace :cool:
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not a bad vid TLBWP , however he is making it too quickly , useing too many volts , it not only brings the ppm up faster but it also makes larger particles , one battery is all thats needed , 9 volts instead of 27 or w/e

i laughed when he said it cost him 30 bux to make it , the first time maybe , but once you have your silver it costs pennies to make the ammount he made

to save even more money do not use a battery or batteries each time having to buy new ones , use an adaptor , a cell phone charger ect ect , 12 volts max , 6 volts min , 300-800 ma

now that i have my silver , and my adaptor (complete home made generator) it costs me 88 cents a gallon to make when the distilled water is on sale

peace :cool: