Indoor growing autoflower

Feb 3, 2011
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ok guys and girl,just need some info on start my new grow off,Now what i like to ask is when fist puting you seed in soil does the soil need to be none fermented so i well need to add my own Nutrients,as iv used bio bizz all-mix soil befor but end up with lots of nannys which made me girls to in to seeds,now im to belive the seeds should be feminzed now,i worry the soil mite be to hot for the seeds as it got a mouth worth of Nutrients in it to start me off,and info be so help full, befor i start me new grow and thanks for reading,
Yer u wona get soil with no nutes as its looking like soil witch is to hot is likley to cause a lot of mails / hermies I use plant magic soil in the UK with gr8 results
that the one im off to get a coulp bags of that, thanks for that bit of info, i thought that was cause them to hermies, but cant cry now she give me some nice seeds form them,
You should take a spin over to the "Tips/tricks/knowledge base" and read "first-time growers please read" thread... it'll give you a basic requirements set.


ok thanks i run that by jhon
I disagree that your starter soils ph effect the male/hermie rate as dramatically as it's made out to be. It's true that stress can cause hermits but unless that soil is redico hot soil you should be fine. If you use pre ferted soil just don't add nutes for the first 2-3 weeks and then start them off on a 1/4 strength setup and ramp it up a 1/4 every other feeding as tolerated by your ladies until they won't take anyore nutes. I trained my ladies to suck up 1.5 strength nutes by the end of my run. These plants dont stress nearly as easily as people think. I dropped a light on one of mine and chopped 3/4 of it down and got no nanners. That's the ultimate in stress and it still produced some killer bud. Also with autos I feel that lighting can be changed on the fly without a lot of stress either.
ok thank for that, well what im going to do is pot 2 in a pre ferted soil,and 2 in plant magic soil.then i can see which one is the easy to grow with,the pre ferted soil not that hot i would not thought off,as it bio bizz all-mix soil,but then again i would no how to till how hot it is,but i like this soil as you do not need to add nutes for 3-4 weeks,and just a litte bit why it moving in to flowering on to bloom,but thanks for that info,