Live Stoners Good morning afn


AFN Med section Advisor
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Key Lime
Well I want to thank every for the warm welcome back. If I missed thanking you I am still trying to remember how to do all this stuff. For example I must have some filter set as I only see posts from Feb 24 in this forum

Great to see so many folks I used to hang with still here and helping each other

I don’t know if there will be much interest but mossy gave me the ok to start a thread in the medical section about eliminating all grain from my diet and all the fermented dairy I have been cooking up to target specific issues.

Give me a week to get something together and stop by the medical section to check out what I am inflicting on the rest of the family🫢
Will do brother, looking forward to finding out your methods! Peace & Love to you and your family! :peace: :bighug::pass:
hey @oldster - there was a major update/move of server around that time, most of the stuff has moved forwards but the old links o not work as they go to the old site which is essentially defunct. You can add the end bit of the old URL to the new .org/ and you shoul dbe good

look forward to reading about eliminating frain and the outcomes

take care