Gainesville Greenish?

Sep 18, 2019
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I have read that the legendary Gainesville Green was a random cross between a couple of Maui Wowie bag seed males and some Santa Marta females. This according to the alleged "accidental inventor" of the strain, Rick Naya. I have been thinking about trying to do an auto version, but the handful of Maui Wowie (alleged) seeds out there sound dodgy, especially the one auto i saw. IMO, a photo plant that is "20% indica" is not exactly Maui Wowie. So I have been thinking about a good subsitutue for the Maui. TodayI just read about another cross that I had actually been thinking about. Whoever invented it was either in South Florida in the bad old days or reads a lot. Back them, the Colombian sicarios were rumored to have a gruesome method of executing their rivals. They suppesedly would cut their throats and then pull their tongue back and out though the gash. This was called a "Colombian Necktie." Well, somebody has invented a strain they call 'Colombian NeckThai" Gross but clever, no? :nono::biggrin:As the name implies, it is a cross between Colombian Gold and Thai. What interested me what thet the desiciption said it was "neon green with bright ornage hairs and a piney smell." Sounds like GG to me. I had been thinkng that maybe a World of Seeeds cross using their Thai and Colombian Gold autoflower strains might be proimsing. Any thoughts?
This might be a good start from Ace Seeds:

Not sure how I missed this in 2021 but I did......the 2 clones I bought in '82 ( in Gainesville Fl.) were from MW females crossed with Columbian Gold males and we could only get clones as the plants grown from that cross "supposedly" didn't produce males.....continued the cloning from clones till drift set in after a few years, by then they weren't available anymore. Did try a backcross with another CG males pollen that was around in '83 and no viable seeds were produced, just immature ones that never finished developing. A Florida cannabis operation has a recreated Gainesville Green, but the energy boost is lacking so looking like a very surprising mistake by a couple of swamp growers that had a great run........I still live within an hour drive of Gville and still ask if any is around.
Not sure how I missed this in 2021 but I did......the 2 clones I bought in '82 ( in Gainesville Fl.) were from MW females crossed with Columbian Gold males and we could only get clones as the plants grown from that cross "supposedly" didn't produce males.....continued the cloning from clones till drift set in after a few years, by then they weren't available anymore. Did try a backcross with another CG males pollen that was around in '83 and no viable seeds were produced, just immature ones that never finished developing. A Florida cannabis operation has a recreated Gainesville Green, but the energy boost is lacking so looking like a very surprising mistake by a couple of swamp growers that had a great run........I still live within an hour drive of Gville and still ask if any is around.
A guy named Rick Naya claims to be the accidental breeder circa 1975-76 in West Palm Beach. IIRC, he said the males were MW bag seeds (only two out of 2 ounces of bud) and the females were Colombian that fell out of an airplane one night in western Palm Beach county maiether fall or 74 or 75 along with a small gym bag containing a package of bootleg disco biscuits. .Story goes that he took a duffle bag of the first seedy batch (which apparently was that violent polo shirt green) to a guy he and his friends knew in Gainesville who came up with the name. According to the THMQ in High Times, the "Florida sinsemilla" was being sold by 1979 along with the cheaper seedless Jamaican stuff that I saw around the same time. I first thread of it and saw GG and the Jamaican circa late spring/early summer of 1981. According to one friend of mine was up at UF in that time frame. By 81-82 you already had a variant that they called Micanopy Madness. The modern stuff is not even close fto the original rom what the interwebz buzz says. If you think about, today it might not be bright green and ornage. It would have a"silver" tint because it would have more trichomes. You see pics of strains that look close, but are more frosty. 40 plus years of breeding will do that., right? Like I said, the problem today would be finding a real MW auto. You can get the Colombian from auto and photo from WOS and suitable photo plants from folks like Ace. which you can get in the US from Multiverse Beans now. . The problem still appears to be finding the "pure" Hawaiian. at least from a source that you can trust. As I mentioned, I have thought about using Thai instead to do that Colombian Neck Thai. LOL.
Found a few square groupers back in the day..
Naya said that he and his friends were out camping which in 1975 meant getting high and maybe shooting some guns out in the wilderness area. LOL He said that all of a sudden, truck lights came on and a plane came in low and dropped stuff. They hid out on the sawgrass and when the recipients of said drop left, they found a couple of Packages that they had missed in the dark. My recollection ws that he said a bale boke open, so they left it and the little bag of other stuff fell into a bush and they found itn when the sun came up. The sale of the disco biscuits funded one guy's vacation to Hawaii and that is where the Maui Wowie came from. The Days before x ray machines at the airport. :smoking:Only in South Florida in the 70's, right? . My dad came across square grouper off of Miami and Key West in his boat a couple of times. One time the Coasties told him to bring it in. He didnt want to, but they said it was okay. Later, the local commander in Key West sent him a picture taken from their Falcon search and rescue/recon jet. Showed the boat and them taking the bales on board clear as day from like 20,000 feet plus. You could clraly read the name on the stern. :rofl: