Feels like the first time


Clean Glass + New Whip
Jan 2, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Island Sweet Skunk, Comatose, el Chapo, and others.
That got your attention, and no, it probably isn't what you were thinking!

This has happened a few times and its happening now, so I have to bring it up.

Usually I have a toke or 2 of indica when I get home and rest my bones a while.
If I have stuff to do, I might use a CBD strain to get me through until I can chill.

Sometimes if I have a few tokes of a regular strain about 45-60 minutes after the CBD, I feel completely blasted, almost like the first time I got really, profoundly high. A virgin once more!

What's weird is that CBD taken at the same time as THC reduces the psychotropic effects, so I don't know why this happens!

I count my blessings when this happens, but I am also very curious about this and I am hoping that someone knows, or if anyone else who has experienced it is willing to explore this further.
Weird, i have had a theory for years that cbd exits your brains slower than thc and thats why you dont get as strong psychoactive effects or be able to so well recognize effects of different strains when you smoke the second time of the day(assuming there isnt like 6-8+ hours apart). I think it effects slightly also for longer periods of time, thats why when you smoke just one strain all the time, your tolerances grow faster and higher and you feel less of the psychoactive effects. According to my theory this steadily growing cbt to thc residue ratio in the brains is what causes this. Then when you switch strains, your tolerances wont grow that quickly and sometimes one weed makes you feel really high. This according to my theory is that this is because you get used to the growing cbd to thc ratio, but because some strains have less cbd and some more, it doesent increase the tolarences to the psychoactive effects as fast.

Perhaps the cbd strain you smoked with enough time apart first made you grow tolerances temporarily to only cbd and then smoked strain with high thc, it could had created a fluctuation to this cbd-thc build up ratio i talked in my theory and cause the "virgin smoke" effect? I hope i remember to test this when my cbd plant gets ready :)
What's weird is that CBD taken at the same time as THC reduces the psychotropic effects, so I don't know why this happens!
Indeed. For a long time I have been cutting my non cbd strains with cbd isolate to lower their potency.

Non cbd strains always get me high with only two to three hits and I've been vaping a very long time. Guess I'm luck that way.