Energies, Frequencies, Waveguides, and Other Energy Observations and Phenomena

One should note the current limit of the understanding of subatomic composition is string theory. That chart I posted listing all the known subatomic particles is set in stone for now, but as one delves deeper and begins to consider the behavior of matter at the quantum level, plain jane particle physics breaks down and you need new descriptions of matter at that point. Thus, strings.

Strings are vibrating membranes made of ? and they comprise every known thing and every bit of energy that is or ever was according to popular theory. That's about as far as we've been able to figure out. As usual, I'm oversimplifying, but that's how I take my quantum physics. Over easy... side of bacon.

an example: I am roughly 70% water depending on how much booze I drank last night. Water is 66% hydrogen and 33% oxygen. Hydrogen is made up of a single proton and usually one electron though there are other isotopes. When we measure pH we're really measuring the concentration of free hydrogen ions, but I'm getting off topic.
:cough: brb

Okay, where was I? Oh yes, protons... those are comprised of two ups and one down quark in a bound state. And quarks are theorized to be made of strings. That's as much as we currently understand.
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very nice explanations... but the funny thing is... you can go smaller and smaller infinitely, I believe... smaller and smaller and smaller... with exponential cost for the "discovery" each time.. lol
I dunno... I mean, humans have yet to find any solid evidence of anything smaller than the particles listed in that chart I posted. We can only guess as to what they themselves are constructed of, but elements used to be, well, elementary, then atoms, which could not possibly be divided, and now we know about quarks and stuff... strings or membranes make a lot of sense and some equations just don't work without them, but as for proof, we have a long way to go. I'm content knowing I'm aware of the extent of our knowledge at the moment. As long as someone like me can learn about it, pretty much everyone can, not that they care. I think it's fun...ctional. ;)

And if everything's just vibrating strings, you will eventually be able to tap something and transfigure it into something else of equal mass or the proportional amount of mass and energy. Maybe some civilizations already can, but they're too busy turning rocks into bread sticks and CSI dvd's to pass on the tech to neighboring systems. You laugh, but somewhere that's happening.

Also I was drunk and suggested an isotope was a function of the # of electrons, it's neutrons... your three isotopes of H are protium, deuterium and tritium, the last one being radioactive and it gives off protons when it decays - we use that in watches and gun sights to see them in the dark. The half life is something like 15 years. Pretty cool.
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