
Clean Glass + New Whip
Jan 2, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Island Sweet Skunk, Comatose, el Chapo, and others.
SeedBank : Dutch Passion

Strain: AutoMazar

Did it autoflower?: Yes, around day 25

Soil/hydro: Potting mix w 30% coco coir

General Hydroponics FloraNova series, Rapid Start, cal-mag, silica,

Light (kind and schedule): 210 (300) watt blurple LED, supplemental 18w 3500k LED "bulb" at flowering

From seed to harvest date: 91 days from seedling, Could have gone another 2-3 weeks!

Dry Yield: 65+g No training.

High/Effect Duration:
Cured just under a month. Pain relief. Strong body relaxation, euphoria with dreamy mind effects Can be psychedelic. No ceiling...a top-up later gets you higher than before. Long cures strengthen it and promote the psychedelic effects. Long lasting, up to 3 hours before a long smooth come down.

All 3 produced somewhat airy buds- last year they were beautiful but I had let them go over 100 days and could have gone another week or 2.

I should give 4 stars because this year I battled fungus gnats when they were babies and they bounced back nicely once that was under control. Both years, these plants had very slow flowering periods. Honestly, I don't think those lights are powerful enough to grow and ripen them quickly.

Cured almost a month: Sweet, Fruity, Floral, bit of spice, and a hint of "skunky vanilla"..
Full cure: Sweeter, Fruitier than above. Buds are not very smelly until you break them up.

A green hit with clean gear is heaven. Smooth sweet fruity and spicy. Long cures bring out more of the fruitiness while keeping the spice.

: ****
2 phenos, Both good pain killers.
The Indica one is chillin' followed by a flesh melting couchlock and long psychedelic night/daydreams possible. The Sativa dom is a bit lighter and more euphoric. Both are great for music listening.

Last year, same 2 phenos, and long cures sort of equalized them quite a bit, both having a very nice heaviness with the Sativa one being slightly lighter and more euphoric.

OVER ALL: ****
They battled gnatts, grew under insufficient light, and still gave me a decent amount of very good medicine.

This is such good smoke that I will try these again someday with better lights in the hopes that they bloom and ripen more quickly.
Excellent grow and great review!! Thanks so much for taking the time bud!! The only thing i would see that would improve this review is a few pics! Great job bud....max repping now. Also I am going to move it to the Dutch Passion review section.
This was about 2 days after my first attempt to kill the gnats. I dont know if the infestation or the fumigation caused this white band.

P8315730.JPG P8315731.JPG P8315733.JPG
You can see some of the the mutations, related to the white bands

P9105761.JPGComing along

1 month AutoMazar.png

These are 1 month old

2 months

Automazar,17 chop day.JPG

Snip Snip Chop Chop

Under these lights they could have gone another 3-4 weeks. Last year I had smaller buds but they went over 100 days and were denser.

I have upgraded my lights to 5x MCOB which draw 300 watts (5x100w)
Should improve growth in general, and I hope hastens maturation.

The one in the back (far right trimmed) had the toughest time early on, but somehow produced more.


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Excellent grow and great review!! Thanks so much for taking the time bud!! The only thing i would see that would improve this review is a few pics! Great job bud....max repping now. Also I am going to move it to the Dutch Passion review section.

Thanks for the reps. I've added some pix for you- I'm not much of a photographer, but you get the idea.

I thought that was where i put it...<blush>
....where did I put it?
Thanks for the reps. I've added some pix for you- I'm not much of a photographer, but you get the idea.

I thought that was where i put it...<blush>
....where did I put it?

It was in Dp's regular category, not in the DP strain review subcategory.
Considering the plants had a bit of a rough go, they looked like they did pretty well!!
Ah- one click too soon! Thanks for fixing it.

Thanks. Yes, all things considering. It took me almost 2 weeks to get my hands on mosquito pucks and I was feeling desperate.

I am happy with it. I had hoped for 3oz, and maybe in 2-3 weeks I might have had it. There was a point where told myself I wasn't going 114 days of 20 hour light, and I have been vaping this strain for a year- time to change it up and move on to something new.

I wanted to mention that I don't find this strain that similar to a pure Mazar which is much heavier for me.
Not complaining! the AM tastes good, kills pain, and has great effects.. I like them both :)
[QUOTE="VitaMan, post: 1637415, member: 36493"
]SeedBank : Dutch Passion
Strain: AutoMazar



Took some out after a 5 month cure, and I have to say that it is very powerful. Worth the wait.

I made the mistake of vacuum bagging some so it is not very pretty. They went into jars shortly afterwards but they kept their funny shapes. Taste and smell improved a wee bit, but I do get a lot more vapor out if it than I did a few months back.

Effects get bumped up to 5 stars.
It is much stronger and at smaller doses than it was a few months ago. Even on a tough day my pain is down to the point that I can mostly ignore it and my body is really relaxed. Dinner was wonderful.
Music is amazing, and after 45 minutes or so has psychedelic moments. Still no ceiling, top-ups bring me higher.
Around 2 hours after toking sleepiness sets in, and I'm soon down for the night.

So, anyone reading this- if you grow this strain, give it a nice long cure. It's well worth the wait.
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