Lighting Autocob Madness

Oct 23, 2017
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Hey everyone,

Glad to be here with an autocob grow. Im excited to see what these babies can do!

Right now ive got 7 clones. A mix of cookies n creme, and golden cobra(both photos). I dont know which ones are which becauae my friend that gave me the clones noobed it and forgot to label them haha. Oh well.

Ihad 10 then gave 3 of them to a friend to mother for future clones anyways.

Full Grow review:

-Have 7 clones that have been vegging 1.5 weeks--5 days of that no nutes(i should have given nutes immediately but i was being an amature.
-plan on doing 2l hempy grows with minimal veg time to flower.
-will be getting more clones as time goes on so i can perpetually harvest

Quintex 2ftx4ftx6ft (have to look up name again, its a generic brand off amazon)
7x 2l (will have more like 25 mid grow)
100% Perlite (want to use vermiculite but l 20171201_083948.jpg 20171201_084002.jpg 20171201_084007.jpg 20171201_084010.jpg 20171201_083948.jpg 20171201_084002.jpg 20171201_084007.jpg 20171201_084010.jpg 20171201_084024.jpg ocal store stopped carrying it)
4" canfan
4" can filter
4x autocobs 55w

Now, clones look sad so far because of a few reasons...
1) i didnt give them nutes for 5 days when they clearly wanted some
2)i am new to top watering and i accidentally spilled on the clones and they got burned from the nutes
3)the grow room was in the colder temperatures because of the room around it not having consistent heat in it.

Grow notes:

November 20th:
Start in system
1 Autocob @ 30"

November 25th:
Finally give first batch of nutes(1/4 strength) plants look nutrient deficient

November 26th:
Put 2nd autocob in
Give 2nd batch of nutes(1/4)
Findout not all 2l are draining, cut holes through ducttape
Lowered lights to 25"
Switched way i was watering so i didnt get nutes on plants

November 28th:
Turned on 3 lights
Setup tent in closet
Put new bin under 2l
Fed nutes till runoff

November 29th:
Fed light amount of water, tent a bit warmer today than normal. Plants seem to like it.

November 30th
Fed 1/4th strength
New growth doing well

December 1st
Fed 1/4th water, phd to 6.4 as i want to make sure the calmag is being uptaken. Ive been phing to around 5.8=>6.1 (normally what i did with previous growing)

Soon im going to flip the clones. The roots are finally getting into the middle of the 2l. My buddy knocked over a 2l the other day so i was able to see the root mass on one of the clones. Nothing amazing but im used to massive growth in DWC. Its very frustrating going from never top feeding and always seeing the rootmass to now not being able to see them and top feeding. Ill get it down once i am used to this grow method though.

So far review of autocobs:

Seem nice so far. Absolutely no noise, and not even 1/4 of the heat a 1000w hps with ballast in a room can put off. Best part about them is NO NOISE. I thought they would make a noise eventually while running continuously but they have not. Im excited to see the nugs these babies can put off!!!!

Sorry about the essay everyone. I hope you all comment and post with your opinions and stay with me the whole grow! Itll be a good one, i promise.
Learning new things every day....

In my DWC my clones always loved a ph between 5.8->6.3...

Now in my hempy 2l they were very happy with 6.4 phd water. I ended up giving them some at 5.7 with the next feeding and they changed color almost immediately that night. Back to 6.2->6.4 it is!
Alright guys i have some good news and some bad news...

Good news:
- clones are hitting the 2" res in the 2l and starting to blow up(for as small as they were)
- so far so good with the lights, all 4 are on and the tent isnt too hot. Its unreal.

Bad news:
- my clones had little bugs on them when i first got them. Tried whipping them off with a cotton swab that was wet. They came back. I think they are spider mites but im not sure:/
- theres this white residue that is getting on my plants. Its also on the 2l bottles so im unsure if its the perilite or residue from spider mites? Maybe someone could help me??
-the smaller clones (im assuming the other strain) are not fitting to the system very well. At first i thought it was because i nute burned their leaves. Now im starting to think that its because it needs a different ph, and maybe more nutes than the other clones? I also addrd calmag when they started looking iffy but this last round of nutes i didnt put the calmag in. Maybe it needs it?

Hopefully you guys can throw in your input on the bad news. I want to flip them to flower now that theyve hit the res, but i also want them to be healthy going into flower.



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Looking at those last two pics makes the clones look kinda rusty..which i think happens when they are one of the calmag deficient.

Let me know your guys thoughts as its very appreciated.
Yikes, Mites can be really nasty.. Release some ladybugs before they take over the room. You should be able to spot them by eye. Their webs are also pretty visible with naked eye..
Yikes, Mites can be really nasty.. Release some ladybugs before they take over the room. You should be able to spot them by eye. Their webs are also pretty visible with naked eye..

No webs yet. I just see them sitting on the plants and moving around every once in a while. The clones i got were from a buddy doing soil, so it could just be random bugs but ive never had to deal with mites before and id prefer to stop them before anything gets crazy. I wish i would have taken a picture of them now to show you guys. Ill do it later when im home.

Where can i get lady bugs?