A few days ago, I did have a friend tell me something 20 times that funny!

He was giving me a review of a barbecue place and he was complaining that the ribs had too much garlic.
Too much garlic?:crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:

I asked him if he believed in The Flat Earth theory?:biggrin:

Too much garlic!:face:...................... Yeah and leprechauns are for real!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:
@420Forever thx---pts.
Beach walk done time for a blueberry dab.
Finally got a renter in my house in Colorado, turned the water back on to the house, and half my plumbing is cracked from the freezing Temps and water expansion.

Awesome fucking day!
The utilities companies here have a deal for landlords so if a tenant does a midnight move-out in mid-winter, the utilities don't get cut off, they revert to the landlord's name. I don't know how many times my wacky landlord friend had me repair freeze-damaged pipes before he figured it out. PEX pipes are more resistant to freeze damage than copper or galvanized, but even PEX can bust in a hard freeze. Ice will even crack a cast-iron radiator.