Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Soil has potential to trace minerals in it which could contribute to developing taste.

I've seen coco grow bigger than soil, but maybe taste and size are exclusive to each other?
I must be the anomaly then cause I’ve had soil fully organic plants turn out bigger then my coco plants and have had coco plants with just as much flavor and aroma as soil :shrug: Only difference I have found is time spent in the garden coco needs daily attention where the earthbox can go days with nothing:headbang:

IMPE UVA and AN budcandy made a stand out difference in flavor and aroma in both setups
Only difference I have found is time spent in the garden coco needs daily attention where the earthbox can go days with nothing:headbang:
Just wait til u upgrade to a full size earthbox broseph! 3gal reservoir so can really fill it and forget it for almost a week before rez is empty! Less in bloom but 3X as long as a junior cuz they hold 1gal! ;)
I personally have seen no difference in size between the two growing methods. I feel that this may be directly related to the level of experience of any said Cultivator/Grower. However, the potency and terpene levels are greater IME with organics.

I've gotten more frosty buds running coco and the whole line of Megacrop...then any other organic or living soil....and I've tryd alit of different 2 best were Sohum cannabis living soil with grow dots and recharge and coco and megacrop......
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