New Grower any opinions on these odd looking flowers

Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
you are looking at a train wreck semi auto, been a bitch to get to flower.

any opinions on these flowers?, something seems off but they dont look male to me



need to post in the live help section for the pro growers to have a look at buddy.
i have no idea what it is:pighug:
Semi Autos are generally plants that have not been bred through to fully auto yet(work in progress!), but need further selection for a consistent pheno with a strong Auto trait. In other words you may have some autos and some early finishers/photos in the mix(some will, some wont!). That`s my lay-mans take on Semi autos...:biggrin:
What's up buddy! @billytimmy Crazy looking calyxes! What you have is a revegging plant there, (single bladed leaves tell the story) due to it being a semi auto for sure. When you cross a photoperiod plant to an autoflowering plant, the first generation will be all semi auto. This means that although they will not flower under 24 hours of light many will flower at 13 to 16 hours or so and all will finish faster than the photoperiod parent. If then you take those seeds and breed them together again you will most likely see some autoflowers pop up here and there, with the rest of the progeny being semi auto and able to flower under even more light hours than the previous generation. Semi autos are great for growers who live in cold northern/southern climates where an early flower helps get a crop in before the rain/snow hits. They can also be cloned and kept alive under 24 hour lighting.
Hope that clears something up! :cheers:
Ps, if you drop the hours a bit it will start flowering fully.
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