Sweet Seeds Big Devil #2 ® | Fast Bud #2 ® ★ Test Grow ★

Hola Tommy! :stylez rasta smoke: The closet is looking like a little piece of heaven! I'm struck by how uniformly the girls have grown in height and build, (especially with the Big Devils)...your earlier pruning is a great example of why it must be done, however 'painful' it my be at the time- LOL! This, and the judicious use of LST to shape the just right to fit in there like jigsaw puzzle pieces... :wiz: Mastery... I really like how the Big devil buds have formed up! They look like outdoor photo' buds; solid, dense, great calyx:leaf ratio...pistil coverage is impressive! Beautiful work my friend, and very educational as well... as usual! :High 5: Thank you again, we all eagerly await what 2 weeks will bring for our eyes to feast on,...:brow:

Looking mint. Thinking of the Fastbud2 or cream caramel from you guys for the next grow, interested in the yield.
Cream Caramel.EasilyYeilded 2 oz in 1 Gal coco forme even being a Noob

I cut her head off too in Week 6 she was outgrowing everything in my area

Very potent at 72 days
Good stuff Der Ma.friend

56 days


Hi boys and girls! :stylez rasta smoke:

Now some pics from day 56. Not very far from harvest now... So stay tuned :D:



Watering Report [day 54]
  • pH of the water: 6,5
  • Fertilizer: No
  • Bloom stimulator: No
  • Quantity of water per plant: 1200ml (18 litre pots)
  • Watering frequency: once every 3 days


Watering Report [day 57]

  • pH of the water: 6,1
  • Fertilizer: No
  • Bloom stimulator: No
  • Quantity of water per plant: 1000ml (18 litre pots)
  • Watering frequency: once every 3 days





Beautful Tommy as always :smokebuds:Peace Kudo.jpg
Hi soylent green, Tommy is on vacantions now,
but in a few days, we will continue enjoying this great work ;)
Sweet smokes!
Some pretty epic photo journalism in here :)
Absolutely beautiful! May I ask, when you're adjusting your ph, what do you use? Up/down? Natural ph up/down? I'm just curious. It looks spot on throughout.
What's happened with this one dude?:stylez rasta smoke:

Must be day 77ish now...not that I'm stalking the thread you understand :D: